Dar Al Shifa Hospital – Hands that Care


Academic Certificates, Trainings & Fellowships:

  • Fellow of Royal College of Obstetricians& Gynecologists - UK
  • Member of Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists - UK

Scope of Clinical Practice:

  • Normal & instrumental vaginal deliveries and caesarean section
  • Management of medical disorders with pregnancy such as high blood pressure, diabetes and cardiac
  • Management of high risk pregnancies such as multiple pregnancy, recurrent miscarriages and recurrent preterm labour.
  • General (Vaginal or Abdominal) & Laparoscopic Gynecology Surgeries
  • Gynaeco-urological Procedures for Treatment of Stress Incontinence like TVT, TOT Operations or Burch Operation
  • Treatment of all functional & Hormonal Disturbances for all ages that cause irregular Menstrual Cycles & Symptoms of Menopause 

Patients' Voice

Our Valued Patients

شكرا دكتوري ايهاب المصري وجميع الطاقم على الاهتمام فيني اثناء تواجدي بالعمليه وبعدها اقامه ٣ ايام. شكرا لكم جميعا ♥️♥️♥️♥️
اشكر كتير دكتور ايهاب تحسنت حالتي معه كتيرا ،شكرا كدالك لمساعدته فعلا كان استقبال واهتمام كبير من طرفهم
الف شكرا لدكتور ايهاب المصري وكل طاقم المستشفى
Experience with the hospitals doctors and staff is overall great. Very accommodating and helpful.