Academic Certificates, Trainings & Fellowships:
- Fellow of European Ozone Society
- German Board
Scope of Clinical Practice:
- Management of spine utilizing the latest techniques
- Intra-Discal ozone injection
- Intervertebral facet joint injections
- Treatment of knee and shoulder pain by injection
- Platelet- Rich Plasma (PRP) injection for knee and shoulder
Spine and Joints:
- Nucleoplasty, Percutaneous Nucleotomy
- Kyphoplasty, Vertebroplasty
- Epidural Injection (Cervical, Dorsal, Lumbar)
- Epidurolysis
- Selective Transforminal Nerve Root Blocks
- Sacroiliac Joint Injection
- Intervertebral Facet Joint Injections
- Intra-Discal Ozone Injection
- Radiofrequency Ablation For Facet And Sacroiliac Joints
- Pulse Radio Frequency For Spinal Nerves
- Percutaneous Foraminoplasty
- Ultrasound-Guided Interventions For Pain
- Sympathetic Block (Cervical, Lumbar)
- Regenerative medicine for joint disease (PRP)
General Interventional Radiology:
- Ozone Therapy Sessions ( Major and Minor)
- Uterine Fibroid Embolization
- Biopsy (FNAC, True-Cut Thyroid/ Breast)
- Nephrostomy
- Cholecystostomy
- Pleural, Peritoneal drainage
- Percutaneous Trans hepatic Cholangiography
- Abscess Or Collection Drainage.
- Insertion of Dialysis Catheters