Ear, Nose & Throat
The Department of ENT at Dar Al Shifa is dedicated to providing comprehensive and specialized services in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat as well as head and neck region. The department is run by highly qualified and experienced team who are experts in diagnosing and treating acute and chronic cases in both children and adults. The department is equipped by leading-edge technology that has a significant impact on the clinical outcomes as well as meeting our patients’ needs and expectations.
Scope of Services:
Audiology & Balance: Managing patients with hearing, balance and related disorders and proactively prevent related damage. The following services are catered in this unit:
- Audiometry and Tympanometry with stapedial reflexes
- Hearing screening procedure for newborns and infants
- Otoacoustic Emission (OAEs) for children and adults.
- Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
- Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR),
- ABR under GA for patients unable to sleep or remain quiet during test
- These tests are also helpful when there is delay in speech and language acquisition
Balance assessment
- Using traditional methods of VNG and positional testing,
- Using latest techniques such as vHIT, cVEMP, oVEMP, OCR and ECoG to identify anatomical site of lesion in the balance system
- Using cutting edge technological advances such as GST, CDVAT and CDP to quantify Functional Impairment. (Gaze Stabilization Test, Computerized Dynamic Visual Acuity Test, Computerized dynamic Posturography.)
Balance Management
- Vestibular (Balance) therapy is a customized exercise-based program tailored according to patient’s needs and abilities, occupation, anatomical site of lesion, functional impairment and progress seen during the therapy. This is a 6 to 12 once or twice weekly sessions, supervised training along with customized home exercises for patients. This has a success rate of 75 to 85 percent depending on the pathology.
Otology, Neurotology: It deals with Infections of the ear that may occur in the external canal, middle ear and mastoid portion of the skull. It also includes surgical interventions to treat malformation of the ear structure particularly disorders of the auricle, external and middle ear. Ventilation tube – grommets, Tympanoplasty (I to IV), use of passive middle ear implants such as PORP and TORP, mastoid surgery, stapes surgery. Use of Microscopic and Latest endoscopic techniques for ear surgeries as indicated.
- Head and Neck: It delivers a widespread care for patients with cervical lymph nodal pathologies, cysts and lumps in the neck and including thyroid, parathyroid and salivary gland diseases by means of surgical and non-surgical interventions
- Pediatric Otolaryngology: It deals with disorders in the ear, sinuses, tonsils and adenoids with infections such as otitis media and rhinosinusitis. It also caters cases such as congenital malformation of the head and neck.
- Snoring and Sleep Apnea: Diagnosing and managing airway-related sleep problems. Home based Nox 3 sleep study, Drug induced sleep endoscopy (DISE), lifestyle advice, use of CPAP and or Multilevel surgery
- Endoscopic procedures: It includes functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) for sinusitis and its complications, allergic fungal sinusitis including use of image guidance (Navigation) when indicated, endoscopic epistaxis control, endoscopic reduction of concha bullosa and micro-debrider adenoidectomy. Microlaryngeal and Phonosurgery for vocal cord disorders with fibreoptic rigid laryngoscopy.
- Radiofrequency (4MHz) & Diode Laser Office Procedures for various ENT problems
- Rhinology: It deals with disorders of the nose and sinuses. The management includes rhinoplasty with osteotomy, turbinate surgery, adenoidectomy, nasal polypectomy, septoplasty, coblation of turbinates and submucuos resection (SMR) of turbinates
- Laryngology: It deals with the disorders of the voice box and upper airway. It involves procedures such as surgical removal of the adenoids (adenoidectomy) and tonsils (tonsillectomy).