Patient's Rights & Responsibilities
We seek to provide exceptional care and the best possible experience for every patient and family. We want to work together with you to ensure you receive the clinical care, compassion and services you need. By understanding your rights and responsibilities, you can help us.
Patient & Family’s Rights - You have the right to:
Have your privacy and confidentiality protected.
Know the identity (name & role) of the healthcare provider responsible for your care.
Receive respectful, competent, safe and compassionate care.
Have your cultural and spiritual beliefs respected.
Be free from abuse, exploitation, discrimination and assault.
Have access to your own medical records and how its information is used.
Refuse service or leave against medical advice
Refuse to have certain people involved in your service.
Participate in all aspects of your service and make personal choices.
Refuse of being informed about your medical condition unless you are carrier of an infectious disease.
Have a support person or advocate involved in your service
Receive accurate information about your health care plan including expected and unexpected outcomes in a language you understand.
Choose your health care provider.
Have your Newborn receive safe care while mother baby bonding being promoted.
Be informed about the cost of your service
Voice your concern regarding your care plan, quality of service or exploitation of above-mentioned bill of rights by dialing 92212414.
Patient, Family & Visitor’s Responsibilities - You are responsible to:
Provide full and accurate information contributing to your care.
Adhere to the scheduled appointments.
Bring only necessary articles to the hospital.
Have a companion with admitted vulnerable patients.
Avoid visiting patients if you are suffering from any communicable disease
Understand all the consequences when leaving against medical advice.
Avoid taking photographs of others at the hospital premises.
Adhere to the rules and regulations of the hospital.
Ask for clarification to understand your care process.
Handle Hospital equipment and property cautiously.
Hand over self-used needles to nurses or discard in the sharp resistant container.
Treat others with respect.
Report safety risks when identified.
Avoid bringing valuable personal belongings to the hospital. DASH will not be held responsible for loss/damage to such belongings.